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Purple Line - Payne Ave and Arcade St Station Area Working Group #2 Review

Please review the draft materials for these station areas

The Station Area Planning team is seeking comments and questions related to the draft goals, themes, and actions created based on the input previously received. These items were recently discussed at the 2nd Station Area Working Group Meeting. Additional thoughts are being sought both from those who attended the meeting and those who were unable to attend.

The document below includes the following:

1) The first page, left half describes the draft goals and equitable transit oriented development themes.

2) The first page, right half provides a list of potential improvements with example photographs. The symbols to the left are used on the diagrams on the second and third pages.

3) The second and third pages list potential actions that are shown in the diagrams. These actions are intended to achieve the draft goals and themes.

To review the materials and leave your feedback:

  • You can move between the page containing the goals and themes and the individual station area plan by scrolling down using the scroll bar to the right of the page.
  • You can zoom in and out with the + and - buttons on the right hand side of the display. 
  • Click anywhere on the document to leave a comment. You can also see what others have said about the draft materials.
  • The download button at the top of the display next to the page numbers will save a PDF file to your personal device.

If you have any questions or issues with this site, please contact Rita Trapp at HKGI at rita@hkgi.com or 651-402-8045.

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It would be really great to have some sort of traffic slowing measures here, like a "roundabout" with an island in the center of the intersection, or something. Cars fly up and down this street and it's on a hill so it's hard to see over sometimes. There's a school a block away and there are kids walking to school that have to cross that intersection. It's marked with a sign, but that's not enough.
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As discussed last night, this is a really terrible place for this station for many reasons. There's nothing around it. There's no easy way to get to that location on foot. It's going to feel remote and desolate, leaving passengers to feel unsafe there, particularly at night. Move it across the street to Seeger Square. There is more than enough space to develop that parking lot or update the whole thing itself. If you want people to use the station, it needs to go there.
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There need to be intersection crossing improvements at York and Payne. There is a bus stop on either side of the street here and people are constantly trying to cross. Because of parking allowed on the street, it's difficult to see around the cars that are coming and one must enter the intersection in order to see if it's safe to cross. Additionally, York is a popular street for pedestrians to get from Payne to Arcade and vice versa, so there are a lot of people regularly trying to cross here. It's not a terribly safe place for pedestrians to be crossing.
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