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Winona Comprehensive Plan Update - Interim Report

Public Review - Comment Period Closed
Thank you for taking the time to review the Interim Report for the Winona Comprehensive Plan. The comment period has closed for the interim report. You can still review the comments left by others by clicking on the yellow bubbles in the report. 

Please contact Winona Senior Planner Carlos Espinosa with questions. 

(507) 457-8250

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Commenting is closed for this document.

Is there some concerted effort to ruin the Windom Park neighborhood?
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There goes The Huff Lamberton house!
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Unfortunately neighborhood amenities no longer include schools.
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It would be nice if the traditional neighborhoods in the core of Winona could stay that way instead of being turned into rentals. Please do not ruin our neighborhoods with such density.
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I am sure the home owners in this neighborhood are going to be thrilled about this idea.
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And do it without jamming more rental units into the neighborhoods surrounding WSU. Winona's future is her past... don't mess it up.
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in reply to Sadie's comment
I agree, this issue needs to be given time and attention immediately. Stop any more intrusions into our neighborhoods near WSU.
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Just because some neighborhoods are over-run with rental housing is no reason to "throw them to the wolves". We have fought for years to save our neighborhood near WSU. The 30% rule is the greatest thing that ever happened for us. I can't imagine anyone seeing anything positive about letting more rental units in.
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Behavior change
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Where is content on the inequities of requiring residents to care for new trees? Not everyone has the time or extra budget to give new trees the care they require to survive.
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Why are these values and not goals? I don’t understand all these different elements. They don’t seem to be utilized in the same way throughout the plan.
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Equity/justice could be more integrated throughout this section to reflect it as a key priority.
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What is this about? Mode of their choice? Why are we not advocating for modes that decrease air pollution that disproportionately impacts people living in denser areas? Combustion transportation among greater infill will only exacerbate the issue. This doesn’t seem to be well thought out.
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Promote existing programs that provide homeowners with resources and funding to convert their turf grass to beneficial habitat and consider development of a local City-run program as well.
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Why does the organization change with this section? Wouldn't these be Goals 10 & 11 per the schema used above?
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in reply to Sadie's comment
“A plan for and by the people” doesn’t seem to be fitting because of this triggered apathy
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Recommended language change: Expand use of native landscaping...
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Transportation and Sustainability go hand-in-hand. I don't see overlap in sections as redundant, rather it's an indication that two sectors of government should be collaborating and addressing all priorities across sectors.
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I'd like to see a stronger commitment here making it safe for pedestrians to cross Broadway.
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This is good, but could make a stronger commitment to improve the health of Lake Winona as a premier resource and destination in Winona.
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Suggestion: Create a separate point to emphasize the importance of maintaining current park space, especially the limited spaces that are in town (north of 61).
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I don't see how 1.2.1. and 1.2.2. follow/support 1.2. 1.2 is about accessibility and 1.2.1 and 1.2.2. are about marketing.
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I’m truly in disbelief that these are even mentioned as transformative projects. These don’t serve the greatest needs in town. The WSU field house is wildly inappropriate to even have here.
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All the language in this section could be strengthened to show the City's commitment to equity as "Equity" is stated as a primary theme of this plan.
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On what?
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Specific projects, programs, or locations should be used here
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These reports that have been referenced throughout should be appended to this document, at the least. As this is the "comprehensive plan", it should be a one stop document.
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Since this is a 20 year long plan, I think more can be done than simply considering this in the next 20 years. Suggested language change: "Develop an Affordable Housing Plan..."
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It’s very difficult to see a genuine care and concerted effort to address equity, inclusion, access, and the environment in this plan.
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What action(s) would encourage this that could be outlined here. Current language is too soft to be meaningful.
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Aren't you the City? Doesn't seem like you have to encourage yourselves. Recommended language change: "Adopt policies addressing..."
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I’ve spent hours talking to folks who participated in feedback efforts and served on subcommittees and even with this comment period extension, I cannot get them to comment. They tell me they don’t see the point. They don’t feel their contributions were valued or taken seriously before, and they are so hurt to see the emphasis in this plan having been put into appeasing developers. They feel their contributions that did make it into the plan were watered down or made too vague to have teeth. I’ve also been told the way this has been presented for comment (this pdf and the posters) is completely inaccessible given the format as well as the lack of background and explanation for jargon and concepts. Those I have talked to told me they are unlikely to partake in city efforts in the future and have lost confidence in staff because of their experience with this plan.
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Where is the draft Sustainability Plan????????? How are we supposed to evaluate these sections that reference other plans if they are not included?????????
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This is one of the largest sections - we will need to hire someone with expertise in this area to achieve these goals given our unique constraints.
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Who currently manages our transportation? A close friend told me they have called multiple times about the hazards and inaccessibility of a stop near their workplace where they have seen bus users almost hit by cars on more than one occasion, and have had no response.
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Where is the Parks & Rec plan????????????
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Languages? QR Codes for digital wayfinding (parents and caretakers of children and adults with mobility and amenities needs need to know what's available at sites before they visit)? Digital details also allow for flexibility in terms of content.
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Why not "collaboration" instead?
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in reply to Lew Overhaug's comment
Not just "consider" - it's such a low bar to have recyling. Come on.
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Glad to see this. Hopefully we won't have to "learn [anymore] hard lesson[s]"
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Love it
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in reply to Sharon Mansur's comment
THIS ^^^^ Native plantings should be PRIORITY!!! We are a rare habitat for the Rust Patch Bumble Bee - ALL city bought plantings should be native.
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First, they should be evaluated for potential use as community green spaces, mini parks, community gardens, etc. (and have soil testing done)
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Signage needs to have accessibility requirements baked in (written languages, spoken languages, braille languages, etc.)
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Hahaha! I saw "recycle" and "downtown" together and almost thought we were going to have recycling downtown.
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Again. Education alone does not lead to action. You need to specifically state behavior change programming if you want actions to come out of this.
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I see nothing about the languages the signage needs to incorporate?
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Opportunity to bring in university arts? Local artists?
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The what?
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Looks like we're going to need some local experts again... do they exist at our institutions? Do we need a new staff position?
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